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What should you know about Visa Electron for online casino?
Visa Electron card is a plastic card of the international payment system, which is distributed only in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The electron is not used in Australia, USA, and Canada. In Russia, cards in this category are always debit.
The main difference between the card of this system and cards of other systems is that there cannot be an overdraft. The cardholder can cash or use for purchase online only the amount that is on the account.
All spending operations on this type of card require approval by the issuing bank in the online mode. This is necessary to prevent accidental overspending on the account - the credit limit. Thus, there are technical limitations on the use of this card - only in electronic terminals operating in online mode (when using the Visa Electron for online casinos, such limitation means nothing).
The Electron card is issued, as a rule, to customers without banking history. Those people who first started a plastic card can easily get this type of Visa. For this reason, this system is usually referred to as "entry-level cards". Some employers choose this card system for their salary projects. The costs of running a project tied to Electron card are smaller compared to other systems.
More safety with online checkingTariffs for cards of this category are much lower than for other bank cards. For example, there is no minimum down payment. The holders of these cards can be children no younger than 14 years of age. Mandatory authorization when performing an operation through an ATM or electronic terminal ensures 100% security of your funds even if the card is lost.
When using the card for online gambling, each user should protect it with careful selection of the website. Even if the card is secure, there is no guarantee that the scamming website will not hack it. Moreover, since all online systems have to ask all personal information to provide safety of transactions, such as secret code, card number, and etcetera, users should trust the website. Since there are many scamming websites in the gambling industry, each user should use only reliable websites. By the way, some of the Electron cards don’t have a user’s name on them, which can be an advantage for some people who strive to improve their confidentiality online.
How to use the system in gambling?The Visa Electron works the way that allows users to register once and then just use the system automatically. The platform online will ask personal card information for registration – the card number, the secret code and the name of the cardholder (if there is a name on the card). The platform usually needs such information to provide the highest safety for users and ensure the legality of transactions. Once the card is registered on the website, the user can use it automatically.
There are differences on different websites about how a user can withdraw money. Usually, the website offers immediate transactions with the card. For example, money that user gets from free spins and deposit bonus can be withdrawn without delays.