This is a Russian electronic payment system. Using this payment system offer depositing in online casinos, online shopping, and transactions online. Money Mail is controlled by the Finam Bank that ensures the safety of customers' money and the security of all transfers. Partners of the system are Rosbank, Raiffeisenbank, Alfa Bank Express, Home Credit, Impexbank, Citibank.
To register with Money Mail, you need to go to their official website and fill out the proposed form, which includes an email address, date of birth, password and verification number. The email address that was specified during registration will become the user's account number.
Two statuses of the accountMoney Mail allows customers to open two types of accounts - anonymous and fiduciary. As mentioned above, during registration you will not be required to specify the name or some passport information. Therefore, all newly opened accounts are assigned anonymous status. If the user is satisfied with such an account, then he can leave it as it is. But, if the client wants to get additional privileges, then he needs to go through personification. After that, the client’s account becomes trustworthy.
With the change of account status, the owner acquires some advantages. For example, it expands the limit on operations, it is easier to recover a lost password or get a loan from the partner banks of the payment system. To change the status of an account from anonymous to trusted, you must sign the documents that are sent to the user either by mail or by courier (for residents of Moscow). Filling out documents, you need to write only reliable information because in another case, the company has the right to terminate the contract with you.
How to use itThe system is very simple. You can replenish your account in it in several ways:
- Through special terminals. Using the terminals of different systems, the commission can be quite different – from 1% to 6%. At the same time, in some cases, it is possible that the additional agent in the transaction will charge an additional fee. Usually, money comes to the account instantly. For some transactions, you will need a recharge code, which can be found in the profile menu
- Through Euroset stores with the 1.5% commission
- With the help of payment systems "Contact" and "Unistream". In the first case, the commission is 1.5% (if the amount of payment is less than 4,000 rubles, then it is 60 rubles’ fee). In the second case, the commission will be 1%, but not less than 50 rubles. When using the Unistream system, it is necessary to specify a refill code
- With the prepaid card (vouchers) from local companies “TIMENANJETET”, “Elpas”, Teleforum and others. Such way of depositing will be made without any fee
- Transfer from other payment systems
- Transfer from a bank account. It is very important to indicate your e-mail in the payment order, otherwise, the transaction can be delayed to 10 days. The commission here is up to the specific bank
- Bank card Visa or MasterCard. The large commission will be here - 4% and the security service of the system will require additional information in order to determine that you really are the cardholder. Thereby such way is not really popular among users.
- Through the offices of the CONTACT system;
- Through the Finam bank;
- Through a ruble account in any bank;
- Though a plastic card.
All payments made in Money Mail are protected by code protection. Each payment can be locked in the form of a code word, and the addressee can get access to the money only after its introduction. Payments with a code word can be confirmed within thirty days. If this does not happen, then the payment is sent back.
ConcludingMoney Mail is a reliable payment system for local Russian online gamblers. Some of the local online casinos offer free spins and deposit bonuses for using this system. Ease of use and quick registration make Money Mail a very convenient method for making money transactions. However, for people from other countries, such method of payments can be not so convenient – it depends on the specific casino.